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Anne Yarwood

No. 23 – Wake Up to the nightmare of losing your child in chaotic conflict

By Wake Up

Kamal Hussein’s story is in Kutupalong, world’s largest refugee settlement –  late August 2017, thousands of refugees arriving daily. Many children were separated from parents and Hussein’s mission was to reunite families.

Hussein decided to act after a woman asked for help finding her child.

“I rented a microphone” relaying a description. His broadcasts worked – someone returned the child; his mission was born.

Charities gave audio equipment and a booth to broadcast the names of separated children and urge parents to collect them.

 “The new refugees don’t know the camp, they get lost here,”

Myanmar’s campaign of persecution and violence drove 740,000+ stateless Rohingya from their Rakhine homes. Now, 1,000,000+ Rohingya are in Bangladesh.

A refugee himself, he was separated from his parents when a boy.

“As a child, I had a lot of pain in my life but doing this work, I feel at peace with myself.”



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By Blogs

I was kicked into action to research this edition’s theme of MIGRATION by a friend’s unexpected outpouring of grief and fury . We were sitting in a circle at our long-established Support Group. When we got to M’s turn in the “go- round”, she erupted, boiled! Tears in her eyes, flushed cheeks, piercing voice decrying the chaos in Kos…. destitution , hopeless future for migrants and Greek inhabitants alike.

AND the intransigence of EU countries….their politicians and inhabitants.

“ Hold on to our affluent security”.

I absorbed this greatly loved and respected friend’s voice of compassion, of injustice recognised, and I determined that my mind should enter the migrants’ world…from the blessed place in which my Family has LANDED.

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No. 22 – Wake Up to the Big Climate Fightback

By Wake Up
  • Forestry Commission Report 2018- 2019. Progress made towards target 11 million newly planted trees in England 2017- 22, including The Northern Forest.
  • Government objective: increase area of woodland to 12% in England , by 2060
  • Woodland Trust Young Peoples’ BIG CLIMATE FIGHTBACK, planted 10,000 trees in Derbyshire 2019
  • Woodland Trust since founded 1972:- planted 13 million trees, 1089 mill trees saved, 3k rescued.
  • Multitude of small- scale planting projects by local groups eg Trees for Cities, Brighton  –

Photo – A younger Manu Berardi demonstrating against local tree destruction by Developers

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A lot goes on, under cover

By Blogs

An Oak tree has been growing near our boundary for at least 60 years. Its roots reach underground towards my neighbour’s 100 year Oak.

And for sure, the trees’ fungi enmesh soil and stones as they journey across our gardens’ divide.

Unseen connections, little considered in daily living. The underground underworld, my friend and I recently realise, also vibrates through the inner underworld of us two insomniacs.

Both of us can see the Oaks …shining last week in the moonlit gardens. We may think about one another. We note the availability of connections.


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Keep speaking Truth to Power

By Blogs

Letter to Ascot local press

Sir / Madam,

Amazingly, I witnessed the demo outside my hospital window, at Frimley Park Hospital this week. Recovering from surgery…pretty rough and in pain…there was a great hullabaloo outside. Tottered to window. There were my long-time mates from SHH ( Save Heatherwood Hospital), together with members of UNITE & UNISON.

I was so hugely touched to see them: comrades of some 11 years campaigning for Heatherwood and the NHS.

Spent all day speaking to everyone who came into the Ward…20 or so,including a Matron. Checked that they knew what the demo was about and understood implications of the imminent WOS : Wholly Owned Subsidiary for 800 or so workers.

Back in bed, I cried. So full of love and appreciation for the demonstrators.



Anne Yarwood

Member Voluntary group Save Heatherwood Hospital for 16 or so years.

July 2019

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No. 20 – Wake Up to facts about ‘trans’

By Wake Up
  • Two in five trans people (41 per cent) and three in ten non-binary people (31 per cent) have experienced a hate crime or incident because of their gender identity in the last 12 months.
  • More than a quarter of trans people (28 per cent) in a relationship in the last year have faced domestic abuse from a partner.
  • One in four trans people (25 per cent) have experienced homelessness at some point in their lives.
  • One in eight trans employees (12 per cent) have been physically attacked by colleagues or customers in the last year.
  • More than a third of trans university students (36 per cent) in higher education have experienced negative comments or behaviour from staff in the last year
  • Two in five trans people (40 per cent) adjust the way they dress because they fear discrimination or harassment. This number increases significantly to half of non-binary people (52 per cent).
  • Two in five trans people (41 per cent) said that healthcare staff lacked understanding of specific trans health needs when accessing general healthcare services in the last year.
  • Three in five trans people (62 per cent) who have undergone, or are currently undergoing, medical intervention for their transition are unsatisfied with the time it took to get an appointment.
  • More than one in ten trans people (11 per cent) have gone abroad for medical treatment to alter their physical appearance, including buying hormones over the internet from other countries, with many citing the barriers they currently face in accessing medical treatment in the UK.



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The Borderline

By Blogs

Cos what is love – a word, the feeling of you ?

Something we dream or the things that we do ?

And who am I – these thoughts, this feeling, my views

A fragile form or a dreamer like you ?

Are we so different, defined ?

Where is the borderline ?


When we are like water, like trees

We have a name, an illusion of identity

Of boundaries, of borderlines

But my dreams are yours and your fears are mine

I hope we wake up from this dream of being different, defined

When we are only space and time


Emily Maguire ( is a singer-song writer, poet and composer. The International Society for Bipolar Disorders awarded her the 2019 Mogens Schou Award for Public Service and Advocacy.

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No. 19 – Wake Up to A Call for Revolution

By Wake Up

In the Dalai Lama’s most recent writing, A Call For Revolution published in 2018, he says

“I am calling on you to bring on a cultural revolution of compassion!”

“When I call on you to bring on the Revolution of Compassion, I am calling for the mother of all uprisings to begin.”

Speaking to all humans as Citizens of the Earth, he says,

“The problems facing you, whether to do with climate change, violence in general and terrorism in particular, were not created by God, Buddha or extra-terrestrials. They did not fall from the sky, or rise up from the ground. Humanity is entirely responsible for being at the root of the problems that have caused these crises. Which is good news. Because if we have created these problems, it is logical to believe we have the means to resolve them.”

On March 15th 2019, in 25 countries around the world, an uprising of people from all walks of life began taking non-violent direct action in a bid to save our planet from catastrophe. In London, Waterloo Bridge was turned into a garden, Marble Arch became a campsite and learning centre, Parliament Square an information centre, Oxford Circus a speaker’s platform, Piccadilly Circus a youth centre. Songs from the soul, rhymes of reason, music of love and hope, theatre of passionate pleas were played out through the streets of our capital city.

This rebellion was a culmination of many years of the peaceful work of many individuals and small groups of citizens of this earth, who wish to see her beauty and nature thrive for future generations.

We do not all wish to be rebels, activists or protesters. There are many ways to quietly join with those of like-mind and create change……..

June 2019


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The Fellowship of the Spring

By Blogs

Since time immemorial, people worldwide, including those from our own native wisdom traditions, have held water to be sacrosanct. Humans have long held pilgrimages to sources of streams, doused themselves in holy lakes, made offerings on riverbanks and shores of oceans.

These were not wanton acts of blind worship but reverence to a deeply-known recognition of humanity’s dependence on water and a keenly-felt gratitude for nature’s benevolence. Until quite recently these habits have been forgotten and almost lost.

By resuming these rites, we can start to re-kindle a sense of intimacy with the natural world and an appreciation of the interconnectedness of all life. By deeply caring for and paying attention to our waterways, we grow motivated to defend and protect their right to flow, unimpeded by pollution.

“The way we see our world shapes the way we treat it….if a river is one of the veins of the land, not potential irrigation water…if the planet is our mother, not an opportunity – then we will treat each other with greater respect.”

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