Dear Readers,
Over one year into the website’s emerging life !!!! – as you read on the new HOME PAGE , we are really keen to have responses from you.
If so inclined, drop us a note with any comments AND please consider contributing yourself.
We hold to our VISION about the significance of ALL OUR STORIES to the manner in which us “human beans” are confronting and resolving today’s challenges.
We welcome you to join our mailing list – please send your email address to
We’re delighted to greet our readers from the UK and all over the world including US, Croatia, France, Ireland, Italy, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, India, Bangladesh, West Bengal, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Algeria, Nigeria and South Africa.
Ever in a spirit of optimism and kindliness,
Greetings from
Anne Yarwood
The Imagination Acts