THE IMAGINATION ACTS website has been created by Anne Yarwood, resident in Ascot for over 50 years, to show how individuals CAN effect change… can DO something about their concerns, in an imaginative way.
Dear Readers,
Welcome to our Spring Edition 2021 edition :-
In our Spring edition, we’re delighted to welcome our Guest Editor, Jan Trewartha.
About 30 years ago, a perky voice came over the phone. “I’ve heard that you have a room which therapists can use. Is that correct?” “Indeed yes” said I.” ”And your name?” “Jan Trewartha” she replied. So began a long relationship.
For many years, Jan and I joined with two others for an unstructured group, in which we shared how our life was moving along. Such a group is to be warmly recommended. Regular meets in which each member has about 20 minutes to tell the others, in an unrehearsed way, how life has been experienced since the last meet.
Jan introduces – My theme is The Power of Touch, something close to my heart. I’m a complementary therapist and I make my living from giving touch within the therapeutic context.
For the last year in the UK and in most of the world, our contact with each other has been minimal and many have suffered deeply because of it. Not to be able to hug or to take a friend’s hands when they need support, has been contrary to all our instincts. Something the media are calling ‘touch hunger’ has set in as we long for the depth of human connection.
So, why is touch so necessary to us and how profound is its power?
BLOG : The Power of Touch – HERE
STORY : Jan’s story tells of ‘A therapeutic journey’ – HERE
GALLERY : Touch in all its guises – HERE
WAKEUP : To the physical and psychological value of touch – HERE
TIA’s Spring Climate Change and Elsewhere updates us –
CLIMATE CHANGE : major pension funds and the Church calls for change, Drax’s plans, grassroot schemes, UK COP26 President’s message including helping poorer countries, Galapagos fishing and the destruction of world’s forests – HERE
ELSEWHERE : ‘Home-Thoughts, From Abroad’ – Spring is here with spring flowers – HERE
In the Summer Edition – we’ll be looking at Ancestry and Regeneration.
Warm greetings to you all and we hope you find the ‘The Power of Touch’ interesting.
Keep well
Anne Yarwood and Sally Dillon
A Therapeutic Journey
I trained nearly thirty years ago as a massage therapist. Before that I was a State Registered Nurse, who had left nursing and moved into magazine writing. I left and went travelling, only to discover my passion-to-be at a New Year’s festival under blue gum trees about 100 miles south of Sydney, Australia when I was given a life-changing massage. On returning to the UK, I trained and have been in practice ever since.
Jan Trewartha
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