In the Dalai Lama’s most recent writing, A Call For Revolution published in 2018, he says
“I am calling on you to bring on a cultural revolution of compassion!”
“When I call on you to bring on the Revolution of Compassion, I am calling for the mother of all uprisings to begin.”
Speaking to all humans as Citizens of the Earth, he says,
“The problems facing you, whether to do with climate change, violence in general and terrorism in particular, were not created by God, Buddha or extra-terrestrials. They did not fall from the sky, or rise up from the ground. Humanity is entirely responsible for being at the root of the problems that have caused these crises. Which is good news. Because if we have created these problems, it is logical to believe we have the means to resolve them.”
On March 15th 2019, in 25 countries around the world, an uprising of people from all walks of life began taking non-violent direct action in a bid to save our planet from catastrophe. In London, Waterloo Bridge was turned into a garden, Marble Arch became a campsite and learning centre, Parliament Square an information centre, Oxford Circus a speaker’s platform, Piccadilly Circus a youth centre. Songs from the soul, rhymes of reason, music of love and hope, theatre of passionate pleas were played out through the streets of our capital city.
This rebellion was a culmination of many years of the peaceful work of many individuals and small groups of citizens of this earth, who wish to see her beauty and nature thrive for future generations.
We do not all wish to be rebels, activists or protesters. There are many ways to quietly join with those of like-mind and create change……..
June 2019