We go to a lot of Celebrations of Lives. Not all elderly, either. Carefully setting aside the Faith enfolding of the ceremony…Here’s reflections created by family & friends. Stories from family standing up front, tell us more about the Departed than we ever knew. And there’s those photos of them smiling out at us, usually in their prime. Gosh! How lovely. The dear ones’ favourite music lets the listeners, even farther into the mind of the box’s cargo, lying there under flowers. And the Service Sheets frequently self- published. What a deeply touching wreath of grief, appreciation, relief, ‘wish- I’d – known / done- more’ feelings… all going on in our hearts. Tears. We are scant on wailing in this country, out loud that is. Then standing outside, slowly emerging back into so-called ‘life’. Recently we ‘saw away’ a limo to the cemetery with a golden ‘MUM’ of chrysanthemums. Visiting the grave next day, all golden flowers..gone. Just the wire-framed ‘MUM’ remained and some oasis. Rabbits or maybe Deer ?