What beautiful words ..Yarrow and verges! It’s the ‘y’ and the ‘v’ sound…
I’m so fortunate living in a rural area where many roads have wide grass verges. Dandelions glorify in Spring. Autumn sees the white heads of Yarrow accessible for herbalists who list many uses for the tinctures. Whilst Yarrow’s white multiple heads and dark green ferny leaves can lie unnoticed in the grass, it has an ancient history. Legend tells of a tincture that Achilles smeared all over his body, apart from his heel, to ward off arrows. Today its uses include body temperature control, hormonal problems, cramps, swellings, bruises.
PLANTLIFE’S Road Verges Campaign note it as a significant plant in its work to encourage Local Authorities to improve management of verges to benefit wildlife…birds, bees, insects. (see HERE )
Learn about free herbal food & medicine :-
Whispering Earth – HERE
Herbarium Blog – HERE
Woodland Trust – foraging – HERE
Permaculture – sustainability & free food – HERE
More about Yarrow – HERE
Photo – Ralph A Lewin, Getty Images