This website has been created by Anne Yarwood, resident in Ascot for over 50 years, to show how individuals CAN effect change… can DO something about their concerns, in an imaginative way.
From childhood I’ve had a feeling about injustice…. And a sense that I.. We…could DO something about it. ” Advocate and Mediator” appealed to my dramatic self.
At 82 and physically weakened, the question nagging my mind is how to stay motivated for vibrant living, within a tough analysis of the challenge of the time, Climate Change.
The challenge of CLIMATE CHANGE ( to quote Naomi Klein: one of the heroes of our age)
” is a civilisation wake-up call…telling us that we need an entirely new economic model and a new way of sharing this planet. Telling us that we need to evolve” **
Asking The Development Education question about “sharing” still makes sense to me after 50 years of activism.
For me, the question” who gets what, when, where, how & why?” is the start-whistle for the imagination to act.
Energy to start, carry through and achieve change, seems over and again to build on inspiration from the imagination. An idea, an opportunity presents itself. Grasped; the hard work of manifestation begins.
Action for change has lethargy, avoidance, denial in its sights !!!
The aim of this website is to offer SPACE FOR STORY-TELLING ; stories about my own and friends’ imaginings.
Acts of art; be they a play , poetry, writing and readings, photography, a craft, starting a local campaign, cobbling together a local meeting place… All stuff I know about.. To quote Thomas Merton,”Art is not a mirror to hold up to society, it is a hammer to shape it”
Together with friends, with little gold, I have been in the midst of this frolic!
( you know ? …The banner that reads ” if this demo isn’t fun, I’m not playing”)
The stories will tell of small actions, by a small number of apparently small – in – power adults and children. They mirror the myriad “good deeds” of everywhere.
Too small to effect radical transformation ? Too diverse and disconnected to topple the power- houses?
I and my comrades don’t agree. Small IS beautiful and it’s everywhere.
**” THIS CHANGES EVERY THING : Capitalism vs.the Climate. Naomi Klein. AllenLane imprint of Penguin Books -2014
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Festival of the Dark – 25 March Event
Festival of the Dark is about to become a micro-festival of small organic events in small spaces, with big soul and big love.
Our beautiful event on 25 March, The Night Breathes Us In, will be the last of its kind in the year.
If you are free and can come, please do. Please also make a conscious effort to engage others, and to bring them with you on this journey.
Please contact Hollie Brader, Project Manager for Festival of the Dark for further details – 07583 748265
Anne Yarwood