ABOUT Peace Direct –
Peace Direct is an international charity dedicated to supporting local people to stop war and build lasting peace in some of the world’s most fragile countries.
The world is battling war and violence, and deadly conflict tears across communities around the world. It touches and destroys lives from Paris to Peshawar. Our work has never been more urgent.
Led by local people, we tackle the causes of violence at the root, and rebuild lives after war has torn communities apart. We are dedicated to making peace a practical option, ensuring local people have the skills and resources to make it a reality.
We believe passionately in non-violence and the power of local action. Local people are central to the resolution of their own conflicts. Peace is not sustainable if imposed from the outside.
At the heart of all our work lies the belief that that when local efforts to build peace are acknowledged and supported, the world will be a more peaceful place.
Holocaust Memorial Day 2018: atrocities past, atrocities present – HERE
Words can make a difference – both for good and evil. Words have the power to restore hope and heal divides. Dialogue and mediation can halt outbreaks of violence and sitting down and talking with your enemy can prevent tensions from spiralling into conflict. But words also have the power to divide. Hate speech can all too easily create a culture of violence and persecution and lead to atrocities.
The theme of Holocaust Memorial Day in 2018 explores the power words hold. We see this in our work every day. From using words to stop young people from carrying out suicide attacks, to negotiating with militia leaders to secure the release of child soldiers, words play an integral role healing divides, as much as they do in causing them.
Seven reasons to believe in peace in 2018 : HERE
These seven stories are just seven of the many reasons we continue to strive for peace – built brick by brick from the ground up. As 2017 draws to a close, we thank you for your continued support to all those fighting for peace in the most fragile places in the world.
Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders Awards 2017: meet the winners HERE
On Human Rights Day, a day commemorating the brave and inspiring activists that stand for a better world, we are announcing the winners of our 2017 Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders Awards. Over the last few months, the Peace Direct team has reviewed 268 applications from 57 countries and elected three of the most exciting and innovative peacebuilding organisations as winners.
Peace Talks: my experience of violence and of building peace: Michael’s Story – HERE
‘’Despite all the news, all the headlines about the crisis and violence in Nigeria, we will build peace. Peace is possible if all hands are on deck.”
Healing the scars of war in Sri Lanka – HERE
‘’Their hearts are broken because of the war. It is my job to heal them.”
– Buddhist religious leader who works to rebuild trust between Hindus, Christians, Muslims and Buddhists following years of civil war and violence in Sri Lanka.
Two fearless women win prestigious award for human rights activism in conflict zones HERE
Two fearless female activists, Gulalai Ismail from Pakistan and Gauri Lankesh from India, have won the prestigious RAW in WAR 2017 Anna Politkovskaya Award for their courage speaking out against extremism against a backdrop of armed conflict.
This award is testament to the power local people have to make a difference to thousands of lives.
The power of one peace activist in Pakistan: Sail’s story – HERE
Have you ever been a situation you wanted to challenge, but did not know how? When you live in a violent, conflict affected area, the stakes are even higher. Yet here is the story of Sail, one young man who has changed minds and prevented extremism in his community.
Scilla Elworthy and Carolyn Hayman founded Peace Direct in 2003.
Scilla is a peace builder, and the founder of the Oxford Research Group, a non-governmental organisation she set up in 1982 to develop effective dialogue between nuclear weapons policy-makers worldwide and their critics.
She served as its executive director from 1982 until 2003, when she left that role to set up Peace Direct, a charity supporting local peace-builders in conflict areas. WIKIPEDIA HERE
Anne met Scilla years ago in connection with starting an Electronics for Peace Group.