- The forecast worldwide is that that owning a house is the prerequisite of the wealthy
- In London 1,137 people sleep rough on average, every night
- Sleeping rough shortens lives to average 47 as opposed to the national norm of 77 years.
- Every year, year on year, failure to tackle the supply system ratchets up the pressure on English housing. Many more families will suffer from over- crowding, more families will struggle with rising rents and larger mortgages, fewer young people under 30 will be able to leave the parental home. Shelter.
- Truth about property developers: how they are exploiting the planning process and ruining our cities – HERE
- ‘No (Mrs May) -the housing crisis will not be solved by building more houses.The Crisis is the result of banking failure’ – HERE
- Grenfell Tower – HERE
- Global figures: likely be 1.3 billion without Houses. UN Sustainable Development goals at best over- ambitious, at worst DELUSIONAL.
- Medellin, Colombia: remaking the world’s most dangerous city. The remarkable example of change happening because of radical leadership – HERE
- AND AT THE FRONT OF OUR MINDS..MIGRANT data – dead / missing crossing the Mediterranean 2016: 5,143. 2017: 3,139. 2018: 2,297.
- AND INSECT loss, internationally …up to 85% . Primarily because of destruction of their habitat by the human species