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Anne Yarwood

Constipation and Codeine : a childhood tale

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Last few days so beached, I’ve thought of my Aunty Gertie…who spent many an hour, many a day, on the loo: that’s the Legend.

Gertie and Rick lived in those long line, red brick houses in 1930s Liverpool. Privet hedge two feet from front door. Weekly polish; front step…Red Cardinal, letter box…Brasso. Enter the tunnel hall. Stairs straight up left. Parlour on the right. Aspidistra defending the netted window. Proud glass cabinet displayed BEST things… Never opened. Painfully untuned, unplayed piano. Musty still, in my nostrils. A funeral room, on hold….

Next door…. Light… Fire… Hub of the Home…The back kitchen… Black iron range…Clock and two China dogs above…Ancient maiden Aunty Lyle sat sitting in hard-backed chair close to ever- boiling kettle. Mum Lil & Gertie … catching up from their loneliness. Me, sitting there! 

Gertie ‘lost’ Rick years earlier. Took usual cuppa up to him one Sunday afternoon…Dead in bed…Hair still elegantly Brill-creamed. 

To my amazement one quiet afternoon, I spied two discreet tears moving down, down Aunty Gertie’s cheeks.

The Crone

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The Crone Goddess, together with the Mother and Maiden Goddesses, represents part of the circle of life.

In today’s society which worships youth and beauty, the Crone Goddess is frightening and misunderstood as she represents destruction, decay and death.

Positively, she’s depicted as a Grandmother, wise woman, or midwife.  Crone derives from ‘crown’, suggesting wisdom emanating like a halo. Her child bearing days over; she’s the wisdom keeper, seer and healer and midwife, whose knowledge is sought to guide others during life’s hardships and transitions. 

The Middle Ages Church feared these wise women and the esteem from their communities. Many were killed during the Inquisition and the wise woman of old was relegated to the Wicked Witch and Hag Archetype of fairy tales – the meanings of witch and hag deriving from ‘wit’ denoting wisdom and ‘hagio’ meaning holy. Today as women live longer and take more prominent roles within society the tide is starting to turn as they start to reclaim their power.

[ Pix – Rosa Davis]

First Coal-free day

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Friday 21 April 2017 was Britain’s first ever working day without coal power since the Industrial Revolution, according to the National Grid.

The control room tweeted the milestone – it is the first continuous 24-hour coal-free period for Britain since use of the fossil fuel began. West Burton 1 power station, the only coal-fired plant that had been up and running, went offline on Thursday.

Britain was the first country to use coal for electricity when Thomas Edison opened the Holborn Viaduct power station (London 1882).

Hannah Martin, head of energy, Greenpeace UK – “The first day without coal in Britain since the Industrial Revolution marks a watershed in the energy transition. A decade ago, a day without coal would have been unimaginable, and in 10 years’ time our energy system will have radically transformed again’’

Gareth Redmond-King, head of climate and energy, WWF – “Whoever forms the next government after the general election, must prioritise a plan for reducing emissions from all sectors.”

[Guardian – Georgia Brown 22/4/17]

What’s New ?

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‘This business of petty inconvenience, of being kept waiting about, of having to do everything at other people’s convenience, is inherent in working-class life. A thousand influences constantly press a working man down into a PASSIVE role. He does not act, he is acted on. He feels himself the slave of mysterious authority and has a firm conviction that “they” will never allow him to do this, or that or the other.’

George Orwell  – The Road to Wigan Pier 1936 

Does current folk wisdom say that the experience which most people have of their personal power, has not altered since 1936 ?  Or forever ? Vote Brexit ? Vote Trump ? 


[Pix – Philip Guston, Mural Work and Play, for the Queensbridge Houses Community Center, NYCHA, 1940]

Opening Doors a bit wider

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We have been reviewing The Imagination Acts in order to create more space for various STORY formats; ranging from fleeting thoughts to lengthy scripts or detailed reports about events we judge to be significant. In addition, we have improved cross referencing access to the sections . 

That done, we’re now promoting the site by a scatter of contact cards to friends and supporters; placing info in local event directories and initiating a monthly update-email to our Network.

…and exploring social media….Easy familiarity for many but very new to me… 

AND a heart warming way to keep in touch with an ever expanding NETWORK.

Help, if you like TIA.. by telling friends about us. Appreciated.

Happy Vaisakhi

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At the Christian celebration of Easter the midst of the miracle of Spring’s awakening.. we honour the celebration of CONNECTEDNESS in all Faiths

The Uplifting Tree

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Brian – a good friend of ourselves and of THE ENVIRONMENT, saw this tree in Swinley Forest; an Oak hosting a Rowan.

He is one of a number of friends who share thoughts and observations on a regular basis, around connections between nature and spiritual insights.

Homepage archive 1

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This website has been created by Anne Yarwood, resident in Ascot for over 50 years, to show how individuals CAN effect change… can DO something about their concerns, in an imaginative way.

From childhood I’ve had a feeling about injustice…. And a sense that I.. We…could DO something about it. ” Advocate and Mediator” appealed to my dramatic self.

At 82 and physically weakened, the question nagging my mind is how to stay motivated for vibrant living, within a tough analysis of the challenge of the time, Climate Change.

The challenge of CLIMATE CHANGE ( to quote Naomi Klein: one of the heroes of our age)

” is a civilisation wake-up call…telling us that we need an entirely new economic model and a new way of sharing this planet. Telling us that we need to evolve” **

Asking The Development Education question about “sharing” still makes sense to me after 50 years of activism.

For me, the question” who gets what, when, where, how & why?” is the start-whistle for the imagination to act.

Energy to start, carry through and achieve change, seems over and again to build on inspiration from the imagination. An idea, an opportunity presents itself. Grasped; the hard work of manifestation begins.

Action for change has lethargy, avoidance, denial in its sights !!!

The aim of this website is to offer SPACE FOR STORY-TELLING ; stories about my own and friends’ imaginings.

Acts of art; be they a play , poetry, writing and readings, photography, a craft, starting a local campaign, cobbling together a local meeting place… All stuff I know about.. To quote Thomas Merton,”Art is not a mirror to hold up to society, it is a hammer to shape it”

Together with friends, with little gold, I have been in the midst of this frolic!
( you know ? …The banner that reads ” if this demo isn’t fun, I’m not playing”)

The stories will tell of small actions, by a small number of apparently small – in – power adults and children. They mirror the myriad “good deeds” of everywhere.
Too small to effect radical transformation ? Too diverse and disconnected to topple the power- houses?

I and my comrades don’t agree. Small IS beautiful and it’s everywhere.

**” THIS CHANGES EVERY THING : Capitalism vs.the Climate. Naomi Klein. AllenLane imprint of Penguin Books -2014



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The Power of Touch

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While we all vary in terms of what kind of touch we need, studies have long shown that expressions of affection -- whether you give or receive them -- have real and measurable health and wellness impacts on our physical and mental health. A variety of touches -- from hugs to handshakes, a pat on the arm, back or head, kisses on the cheek, or hand-holding -- can: Calm the nervous system Boost the immune system Activate oxytocin, sometimes called the cuddle hormone, that’s critical for bonding, especially between a mother and child at birth. Research shows oxytocin also affects our general well-being, induces calm, and enhances relationships. Reduce the stress hormone cortisol Lessen pain, improve healing, and lower blood pressure and heart rate Improve mood and reduce stress, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, loneliness, isolation, and more “We understand touch as essential. It’s a universal need and natural method of communicating joy and intimacy,” “Touch is powerful on so many levels. For many people, it is a source of healing relief. For others, it’s an attempt to comfort.” By…


‘Take Two’ 

a play about an aspect of the Palestinian conflict,

Writer Jennifer Leach,  Director Justin Butcher,  Producer Anne Yarwood


 Autumn 2014 attracted 200 into two local Anglican churches to watch a whipped-up-from-nowhere small AmDram group perform this new play. Significant statements in that sentence; 200 is a big audience for around here, for a political play and Anglican churches welcoming contention is uncommon. 

It all began one day when I awoke to a strident imperative – ” MAKE A PLAY” … so 9 months later, “we” DID . I produced, with friends and no starter money ( same old tale) an half hour, six person play which gave voice to Palestinian & Israeli anguish in the long-time impasse.

The following observations set out in this week’s STORY will be familiar to all of us who move beyond the inspiration of a GREAT IDEA, into making it happen.

Anne Yarwood

Tina Hanna’s Gallery

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A picture celebration of family and friends’ imaginings: skilful play, with all forms of Creativity



Tina was an illustrator. Her art work informed and enlightened and within that message was beauty.

Her range included black and white ink pen drawings through folk art on wood to subtle coloured pencil drawings.

The Pictures here are inspired from the ancient ninth century rosary prayer beads. I remember Tina sitting on the floor in the middle of the room. Her drawings surrounding her, working flat out for weeks, in order to get onto paper her vision of the mysteries attached to these beads.

Tina’s work is unique and her desire is to inform as many people as possible of spiritual truths and sequences. To that end she never made anything overtly belonging to any group or sect.  I think she believed in a universal spiritualness that everyone is entitled to. 

The Mysteries of the Rosary are meditations on episodes in the life and death of Jesus from the Annunciation to the Ascension and beyond, known as the Joyful (or Joyous) Mysteries, the Sorrowful Mysteries, and the Glorious Mysteries. Each of these Mysteries contemplates five different stages of Christ’s life. More were added later.

The text under each drawing gives both the Biblical title and a single word interpretation by Tina.

Hilary Davies

12 March 2017

And the Rabbits ate all the Graveside Bouquets

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We go to a lot of Celebrations of Lives. Not all elderly, either. Carefully setting aside the Faith enfolding of the ceremony…Here’s reflections created by family & friends. Stories from family standing up front, tell us more about the Departed than we ever knew. And there’s those photos of them smiling out at us, usually in their prime. Gosh! How lovely. The dear ones’ favourite music lets the listeners, even farther into the mind of the box’s cargo, lying there under flowers. And the Service Sheets frequently self- published. What a deeply touching wreath of grief, appreciation, relief, ‘wish- I’d – known / done- more’ feelings… all going on in our hearts. Tears. We are scant on wailing in this country, out loud that is. Then standing outside, slowly emerging back into so-called ‘life’. Recently we ‘saw away’ a limo to the cemetery with a golden ‘MUM’ of chrysanthemums. Visiting the grave next day, all golden flowers..gone. Just the wire-framed ‘MUM’ remained and some oasis. Rabbits or maybe Deer ?